Tuesday, January 20, 2009

growing up

Paige got her first tooth we are so excited! It is on the top left side and it is the side one not the front tooth crazy huh! so hopefully she will get her front teeth in soon so she doesn't look too funny for very long! we just noticed it today! It's just barely popping through right now though so it will be a little while longer before it's visible without really trying hard to look! She has also been saying quite a few words she says mama and dada and alex and hi! It is very exciting to hear her starting to talk and to grow up and do new things! She also figured out how to wave hi and goodbye! It's so cute because she waves with her hand facing her like she's waving to herself! we love watching her grow! she also to a few steps the other day! she doesn't really try on her own to walk but when some one stands her up she'll try so i think that we still have a least a few more weeks! Alex walked at 10 1/2 months so hopefully she'll wait at least until then! I think that i could wait until she turns one but i don't really get to much choice in the mater kids just kind of do this kind of stuff on there own time which my kids have decided that the earlier the better! i guess! It's really fun to see them do these new things, i just wish that they would give me time to enjoy them just being little instead of having to worry about what there doing at such an early age! I am glad that they aren't late though i think that would worry me more! Maybe next time our baby will be a baby for longer!

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