Saturday, November 20, 2010

Elijah Brett Mecham

our baby is here and he is adorable!  He came on tuesday morning at 4:44 a.m.  He weighed 7lbs. 9oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long!  After he was born he was trouble breathing.   at first the doctors thought it might be some amniotic fluid in his lungs but then they looked at the x ray and found some air inbetween the inner lining and outer wall of his lungs they call this  pneumothorax!  This can cause the lung to colapse!  To get the air out they had to put a tube in and just suck it out!  The dr.s decided that it would be best if he was under close watch by a neonatologist just in case more air got in!  sooo,  he had to be life flighted to primary children's hospital!  He had to have an oxygen because it was making it hard to breath because he could not expand his lungs fully!  They put an iv in to give him some fluids and medicine just in case of infection!  By wed. morning they were able to take the tube out and he was moved from The NICU to the Infant unit!  We were able to stay with him there!  On thursday they told us he was doing well enough to come home!!!  We are so grateful to have our little boy here safe and sound!  There are so many people who helped us in this hard time and we are thankful for the gospel that it has given us the priesthood!  We will get pics up soon!

Friday, August 27, 2010


Alex starts kindergarten on Tuesday!  I am just a total mess about the whole thing!  Alex is so excited though we have even been marking the days on the calendar!  On Tuesday he had his assessment and they said that he did good!  our neighbors were able to see the class list for their son on Tuesday and we found out that him and alex will be in the same class!  His teacher will be Mrs. g.  that is what she is called because she has a hard last name and  i can't even remember it!  They will post official class lists today!  I am curious to see who else is in his class!  If there is any that were on his baseball team!  On monday they do a kindergarten tea party where they get to meet there teachers and parents come too!  Then tuesday is the big day!  Yesterday we went school shopping and discovered that we should have probably gone a lot earlier!  Almost all the stores were cleaned out in his size it was so hard to find him a nice shirt for the first day of school.   Although we did end up with 4 outfits when we only intended on one!  He also got an outfit from his grandparents!  He also got a haircut yesterday!  I told Brett i was just going to tell them to give him a missionary haircut!  Brett thought that was funny!  I don't get it!  but Alex looks good!  He is definatly ready for school to start!  Alex will be afternoon kindergarten because that's when the bus comes!  I know that everything will be fine but that doesn't make any of this any easier! 

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

we're having a baby

Well since i haven't written in our blog for quite a while and i haven't yet announced this I thought now was a good time!  We had the ultrasound yesterday and we found out that we're having a BOY!!!  I am so excited!  I am due on November 23,2010!  That is two day's before thankgiving!  Things have been going pretty well!  here are some ultrasound pics!

Monday, March 08, 2010

sunday stuff!

hi!  i decided to change our blog from st. patricks theme early because i was getting tired of all the green so i made one that has some green in it and also helps to celebrate our anniversary!  The temple on there is the Jordan river temple which is the temple we got married in!  Our anniversary is on the 19th so it's pretty close to the holiday!  I think this works well for both!

Yesterday was a very interesting day for us!  When i got to church we only had one kid in our class!  he ussually cries but this time he didn't i was so glald!  Then we were just siting there listening to all the talks and stuff and he turns to me and shows me this little bit of skin on the top of his finger that was coming up a little!  It didn't look sore just like it would maybe catch on something!  He says to me as he is showing me "i think i need to go to the doctor!"  i told him that i thought that he would be okay without going to the doctor!  Then he proceeded to tell me that he needed the doctor to give him a shot for it! I thought it was so funny!  I love teaching the sunbeams!  they say the cutest things!  

Earlier that morning before church brett went to pec meeting and the bishop asked them to join the ward choir!  Our ward is in desperate need of male voices in the choir!  So brett joined the choir!  I would have liked to go as well  but they meet at three and that is right during paiges nap time so just brett went!  Our ward now has a total of 5 men in the choir!  Brett is very excited to be in the choir!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


we signed alex up for baseball last week!  I am really excited for him to play!  he will be in tee ball!  i think it is so much fun to watch these little kids running around playing ball!  our neighbor is coaching and so we are going to request him!  We would have requested him at the time we signed him up but we didn't know he was going to be a coach then!  I think it would be fun if he got on that team because he plays with that neighbor's son a lot!  The games start in April!  We don't have a schedule of when the games will be yet because they need to get the teams assigned first!  They said we should hear from the coaches by about the middle of march!  I don't know if alex other friend that they play with is going to play baseball but if he does that would be so cool if they got all on the same team!

In other news for our family,  we got our washer and dryer!  They are whirlpool and they are really nice!  They look fairly new!  It has on it accuwash, which keep the water at a certain temperature so the clothes will get clean better, and the dryer has accudry, which sends a little sensor through the dryer to detect any moisture!  and we got them both for only $400 i think that is an amazing deal!  They really work great and i am glad that we were able to finally have a good set and they match!  I think we got most of the features that we were looking for in a washer and dryer!  The only thing we would have liked is the low agitator in the washer but that is a pretty new feature in washers so i kind of didn't expect to get one with it!  I don't think we would have got one with it even if we got a brand new one!  i was ready to compromise on most of the features we wanted so I'm glad that i didn't have to give up very much!

We also got an ipod!  We got the one Brett wanted!  it's an ipod touch!  It's a lot of fun but we only have two songs on there so far!

Today is alex's doctors appointment for his kindergarten checkup!  I am a little nervous about it!  I hope that this appointment will help calm a few of my nerves!  I think that another thing that will help is when we  go in and register him!  i think the rest of my nerves will just have to be worked out in time!  Like when he actually goes to school in the fall!  Wow just saying that gets my stomach all tied up in knots!  After his appointment we are going down to the health department to get his birth certificate!  Then we are going to get a strong box to keep it in!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


wow a lot has happened in the new year and most of it wasn't really what we wanted!  But I know that it is how things are supposed to be!  

For valentines day weekend we went to my brother's house in st. george to help him get his life back in order!  My dad was there already he came with Matt and then we followed my mom and my cousin Chelsea   We had a pretty nice weekend the only problem was that i think we may have gotten spring fever! :( then we had to come back home to this stinky cold weather!  and it really was stinky!  there was a smell coming from the salt lake when we got off the freeway!:P it was yucky but luckily we couldn't smell it from our house!  I had a lot of fun going to the outlet stores!  I found one of those things that you put olive oil in that's really cute!  It's hand painted with sunflowers!  it doesn't really match my kitchen but neither did the other ones and i have been wanting one of those for a really long time!  It's a smaller one but i think it will be good for our needs and now i don't need to choose the olive oil i buy based on the container it's in!  And it was only 5 bucks! :)  I have already got my oil in it!  Anyways!  On valentines day we had a bbq!  We has steaks and fish!  Melissa's friend Bonnie Kay came for dinner!  It was really a nice dinner and it was really yummy!  We had strawberry shortcake for dessert!  It was really good!

On Friday we got our tax money!  I am so excited because we are going to get a washer and dryer!  things will be so much easier once we get it!  We are going to get a refurbished washer and dryer from a place called best appliance!  We also will start potty training once we get it because that will make potty training so much easier!  

Next week is kindergarten registration!  I am so nervous!  There is so much we need to do for it!  We have a dr. appointment scheduled for next tue. at 3 and we still have to get his birth certificate!  I just don't feel ready for him to go!  I know that he is but it's just that i'm not ready!  It's kindof like when it was getting close to the due date and i just wanted a little more time to get ready but un like this i wanted the baby out!  With this i would rather he just start going back and be my sweet little baby boy!  I just don't want him to grow up, i want him to be a toys r us kid, just kidding!  It is kind of exciting though but i still have a lot of questions!  This will also put a lot more responsibility on my part as well!  I will have to make sure he gets up and gets off to school i will have to make sure he is getting his school work done!  I will have let go and hope that i have taught him well enough that he will be respectful to his teachers a peers!  There is a lot of pressure with going to kindergarten, luckily it's on the parents and not on the children!  Alex is so excited to go to school!  I hope that he will continue to enjoy school!  Also this spring we are going to get him signed up for T-ball!  I am really excited for that!  It is so much fun to watch those little kids out there playing!  If you are low on entertainment and really need to get out go find a local t-ball game!  I've also heard that this little ones in soccer are great for that too! :)

Well that's all for us for now i think!   I don't think things will be slowing down anytime soon for us so i guess we will just have to get used to this new busy lifestyle we have!  I think it just comes with the kids!  I'm sure after a while we will get used to it and it will feel like we slowed down and then something else will be added to make us busy again!  Judging from my parents things don't ever slow down they just get busier and you just have to learn how to manage your time!

Love the 

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

thank you!

i would just like to say thank you to all those who prayed for my sister in law and my brother and their daughter dayna!  Prayers help so much!  Thank you also for the prayers for my family and helping us to get through this difficult time in our lives!  I know that things will still be hard especially through out this next year,  but i know that with the Lord's help we will be able to make it through and that one day we will be with melissa again and that she is happy where she is and is doing great things!  Thank you!

Saturday, January 09, 2010

a blog for melissa

Here is a blog that my aunt created for my sister in law! It has a lot more details about the accident and has post with updated information about her condition!

Thursday, January 07, 2010

please pray!

Everyone who reads this please pray for my sister in law melissa . Matthew my brother has been staying at the hospital day and night. Anyone reading this that doesn't know what happened Melissa was in a terrible accident in their Expedition early Monday morning near the utah arizona border.

They, Melissa and Dayna her daughter  were on their way to take their 17 year old foreign exchange student to Las Vegas to the Airport when Melissa over corrected and rolled over two lanes and landed on the drivers side of the vehical.

Melissa was life flighted to IMC on 5300 S. and taken into surgery immediately due to the massive head trauma. Dayna was hanging by her seat belt and Niko, the foreign exchange student helped her out of her seat belt. They survived with only bruises and scratches. Melissa is in critical condition and needs everyones prayers. Thank you all and May God Bless you also.