Friday, August 27, 2010


Alex starts kindergarten on Tuesday!  I am just a total mess about the whole thing!  Alex is so excited though we have even been marking the days on the calendar!  On Tuesday he had his assessment and they said that he did good!  our neighbors were able to see the class list for their son on Tuesday and we found out that him and alex will be in the same class!  His teacher will be Mrs. g.  that is what she is called because she has a hard last name and  i can't even remember it!  They will post official class lists today!  I am curious to see who else is in his class!  If there is any that were on his baseball team!  On monday they do a kindergarten tea party where they get to meet there teachers and parents come too!  Then tuesday is the big day!  Yesterday we went school shopping and discovered that we should have probably gone a lot earlier!  Almost all the stores were cleaned out in his size it was so hard to find him a nice shirt for the first day of school.   Although we did end up with 4 outfits when we only intended on one!  He also got an outfit from his grandparents!  He also got a haircut yesterday!  I told Brett i was just going to tell them to give him a missionary haircut!  Brett thought that was funny!  I don't get it!  but Alex looks good!  He is definatly ready for school to start!  Alex will be afternoon kindergarten because that's when the bus comes!  I know that everything will be fine but that doesn't make any of this any easier!