Monday, April 09, 2012

Isaac Charles Mecham

Isaac was born on February 29th 2012 he weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz. And was 21 inches long. We are very happy.

Here's the story: on the 28th I woke up and had an extremely hard time walking i was so sore! I am sure this was the baby dropping. Throughout the pregnancy I was having Braxton hicks contractions and they were about 10-30 minutes apart nothing I couldn't manage! With these developments we were sure we would have the baby by the end of the week! On the 29th I felt the same as the day before we went about our day Brett went to school and then took alex and Paige to the school's dr. Suess night. When they got home my contractions were a lot stronger and about 8-10 min. apart. At about 10:00 p.m. we decided that we needed to go in regardless of how close the contractions were so we called to have the kids picked up by the time my parents got to our house (about 20 min later) contractions were 3-4 min. apart. We left for the hospital and got there about 11:15 they got me all set up and I got an epidural:) then the on call dr. Checked me and I was ready to push so he broke my water he said my regular dr. wouldn't make it in time and in two pushes he was born with 9 minutes to midnight! :)

Here are some adoreable pictures of our handsome little man!!!:)

just after birth

ready to go home
daddy and isaac

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