Saturday, March 07, 2009

our fifth anniversary

i just thought i would write to let people know that everything is going better in our little family! Our children are both feeling better and i am just so glad! now i just want the weather to get warmer so that we can spend more time outside! I am very excited about our anniversary! It will be our 5 year anniversary i am way excited! Our anniversary is on a thursday! Brett has thursday friday and saturday off i am very excited but we kind of have it split in two parts because of our need for babysitters! so i am planning thursday night we are going to have a candle light dinner and then brett is planning the weekend and he said he has something planned already but it's a suprize!!! i am way excited i think it sounds fun maybe on thursday morning we we'll do a fancy breakfast too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Erin,

I was just wondering if you are excited at!