Monday, December 29, 2008


well thing have been going pretty well for us we had a wonderful christmas we got the kids church clothes for christmas! they look so cute we took pictures of them on sunday! Yesterday was Alex's last day in nursery next sunday he will be going to primary! I can't believe he is all ready that old! i have been very nervous about how he will act in primary i am worried that he will run off! everyone tells me he will be fine but that doesn't really make me feel better! i don't think that the nervousness will go away until after i see how he does! The nursery has been taking all the kids his age in to primary at the end so they can sing and i guess to make it a little bit easier! i mostly worry about in between when they are going from class to the primary room, and between primary and sacrament meeting i just don't want him to be running around the whole church and church this next year will be at 9:00 so there will be other wards in the building for him to disturb! Yesterday after sacrament (our sacrament is last) he ran out and ran in and out of the rooms! they were empty but i worry that he will do that with other wards in them! But if there are people in the rooms or the doors are closed maybe he won't go in them! I don't really know what i can do except see what happens and try to teach him that's not what you do in church! We have already been trying to teach him reverence in the church building and in sacrament, i just don't think he has quite caught on just yet, i know he will eventually learn i just hope that it's sooner than later! I know things will work out i just hope that i don't have to deal with these kind of problems with him going to primary! i will if i have to i just hope i don't have to! i don't remember being this nervous about alex going to nursery and he did really well in nursery he didn't ever even cry once when we left he made it so easy! i just hope that primary go just as easy! I don't think that paige will be as easy as alex was she has such a differnt personality and she is a little bit of a mama's girl maybe she won't be to bad if Brett takes her to nursery! i don't think alex will have a hard time changing teachers though i think i would be really shocked if that was the problem! the thing that brett is most worried about is that there will be someone just like him and they will encourage each other to be wild! I am a little bit worried about that but not to much i'm not really sure why but i guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens! His nursery teachers think he's an angel! So maybe he will be an angel in primary too!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

i finally got this done i know its really late but we had some camera issues and the pictures were stuck in the camera for a while :P

Thursday, November 06, 2008

our family in the canyon
brett and paige at hollies halloween party!